Finally a misis!

Finally a misis!

Praying i don't trip or pass out! Nervously waiting for my cue.

I can still remember all my emotions during my wedding day. I was so nervous, excited and happy during the preps at the hotel. My whole family was with me at my suite, and that made me feel extra special – everybody was happy getting ready!

Waiting for my turn to walk down the aisle was one of the most memorable moments for me. When our musicians played Irlandaise by Claud Bolling – a song for the prelude I handpicked myself, it finally hit me that IT IS REALLY HAPPENING. All the months (six months!) spent planning and researching for my dream wedding is unfolding right now! I discovered Irlandaise while I was searching for classical music for my big day. I’ve only heard rendition of string quartets on YouTube and hearing it live for the first just had that much impact on me. (Thanks to Las Cuerdas Ensemble by Tim Gesilva for doing such a great job!)

While waiting for my turn, I realized how heavy my bouquet was. For soon-to-be brides, be prepared to carry your bouquet especially if you want a cascading bouquet! By the time I was halfway thru the walk, my arms were already too tired to carry my flowers. Cascading bouquet looks so nice tho in the pictures, so I just “bear it, and grin it.”

I never heard my bridal march. They say most brides don’t hear their bridal song. The song I chose for my walk is a quartet rendition of I Will by The Beatles. I loved this song from the first time I saw The Love Affair with Annette Benning. How I fell in love with their version of small children singing this song.

The rest of the ceremony, I was just ecstatic that I am getting married to the love of my life! I listened to our officiating bishop’s sermon and took his advice to heart. He said to remember the 3Ps of marriage — Purgatory, Patience and Prayer. (I will discuss this perhaps on another entry.)

I savored every minute of the day — from ceremony, photo and video shoot, to the reception. I will always remember the way my husband looked as we met at the altar, as we exchanged our vows, when we had our first kiss as husband and wife, first dance. I can say it was one of the happiest moments of our life together!

Now that we are married, the first few adjustments I noted were:

1. Laundry – I have to do his now!

2. Preparing meals – I have to take care of my husband! While I was single, I ate when I wanted, rarely had breakfast, and usually ate take out food. I can’t do that anymore!! Waking up in the morning is a big sacrifice or should I say adjustment for me because I don’t eat breakfast but now I have to prepare (almost) everyday! I am not complaining haha, but so far this has been the greatest adjustment for me.

3. He doesn’t know this but I have fallen in love with him more. This is after we got back home from our honeymoon. I appreciated his commitment to our partnership. I understood his work hours more, realizing he is working hard for our family. As I sleep and wake up next to him, I feel a deeper sense of responsibility to take care of him.